

Christian.  First and foremost Tim is a Christian. Some have referred to him as a prophetic teacher or an apostolic visionary; either of which could be a fairly accurate description. Tim’s ministry carries a prophetic and apostolic teaching message to repair the breach between business and the church.

Meridian Ministry was founded to minister to the ekklesia and to equip business owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs for the cause of Christ.  His gifting and training uniquely qualify him for exactly that cause.  Tim has his Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and is trained as a Business Financial Consultant.  He is a graduate of Dr. Peter J. Daniels’ Gabriel Call and Destiny of the Third Millennium. Tim was an inaugural member of Michael Q. Pink’s International Christian Business Institute and trained in Dr. Lance Wallnau’s Destiny Dashboard for business consulting. Tim has started business ministries to assist business owners and leaders in financial, operational, and spiritual development and launching more. He is an ordained marketplace minister (Kingdom Business Association - MorningStar Ministries), a Kingdom Investors Chapter Leader (Los Angeles), a Registered Financial Consultant (IARFC), and has 25 years of business management and sales experience.